Wednesday, October 13, 2010

the good and the bad

Quick post to tell you about the good and bad in my city garden. Since the weather has been FANTASTICAL in San Francisco the past couple of weeks, my tomatoes have been ripening quite well for me. I have picked more of the little fellows in the past week or so than in the entire time of me owning the damn plant. I am not complaining, been snacking on them around the house and adding them to my dinner and lunch salads...
However I have to say my lettuce is the one giving me the trouble. Which is ironic because they were the ones giving me the most produce in the beginning. Now, I have lost 3 lettuce plants. They are wilting and basically turning to mushy gross I dont know if its because of the heat, or if I am over watering. So I cut back the water and pretty much have been watering once a week, or until dry. This makes me sad, BUT I just went to Sloat Garden Center with Karrie and Sam last Sunday and secured garlic and an artichoke plant. (EXCITED is not the right adjective to describe my feelings toward the artichoke, just to let you know.) So the garlic will replace my loser lettuce and the cycle of life continues in the city garden...
To add a little more good to my garden, thought I would share the beauty of this orchid, (once again I was playing with the settings on my camera) Chandra gave it to me last year for my birfday, and its as lovely as ever! Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. yah i figured the over watering.... the cheap ass container i have them in, is not the best at draining. i need to invest in better pottery next time and not go the cheap route with plastic containers. lesson learned!
