Thursday, January 27, 2011

thoughtful thursday

plating up and getting ready to settle in for a good talk...

There are times when the best thing in the world is good dinner and conversation with the girls you love. These moments of idle chatter, laughing about the past and what is to come in the future are completely priceless to me. Thank you ladies for the love, you know who you are...

Monday, January 24, 2011


I have been working on my photography skills since I got my Canon G10 last February. It has really taken me this long to understand my camera, shoot in manual mode and start to be able to understand picture composition and such; and trust I am learning more every time I snap a photo.

I recently invested in a Groupon for a Photography class at the end of January. I am really excited about it, you bring your own camera, they show you how to shoot portraits, nature shots, picture composition and all the like. I am really looking forward to being able to understand my camera and how she works even more...

Channy B gave me this sweet ass Venus Fly Trap for my birthday last year and it has grown like a darn weed since! Pretty sure that's due to me catching little bastard flies around the house, and then setting them ever so gently in their trappings, oh that and distilled water. I really don't understand the distilled water part, but I suppose they are so picky due to the environment they are use to.. who knows?

growing.. growing... growing....

I went to the garden center to get stuff to re-pot it or at least make it new terrarium and the man I spoke to happened to be a venus trap junkie (coincidence, I think not?!) and said to never ever change its habitat in the winter. These little buggers go totally dormant loose a lot if not all their traps and branches in the winter. Interesting, because I haven't noticed a major shift in the amount of trimming I am doing. Things may change next year though, so I will just have to compare then.

So I kept it in its original container and just put it in this new glass jar I found that will eventually be its home in the spring.

I found this super sweet container for it at one of my favorite rummaging places, Snowline Hospice, I think it was all of 1 bone. Hospice a great little place close to my house that I can walk to and keep an eye out for great glasswear. The container came with a great airtight lid, but this sweet baby needs its air and supply of unsuspecting bugs... 
Just goes to show how fantastical re-purposing can be if you keep an eye out.. one day I hope a majority of my homey things are re-purposed and have some type of memory or significance to me. But hey, you gotta start somewhere. :)

Thursday, January 20, 2011

bodypainting, say what!?

Above is the aftermath of trying to get a bite of every type of delish morsel of food i could find. This year my favorite was the artichoke heart stuffed with crab... holy crapola it was good. Damn... now I want one.

as noted before, the party I look forward to most is the party. holy shit it never disappoints and in my view it actually gets better every year. Maybe that is because I am getting to know more SFDC people or the party really is that awesome. I think its the later....
coming soon, magnum.

This was the center dance stage, there have to be at lest a couple thousand people there, its pretty much packed everywhere you go. However they always manage to keep a good flow to the party, separating off different areas to the party, and opening up the dance floor later in the evening and keeping the bar lines down. which is impressive in itself with that many people.

we posted up by the candy bar, obviously, and just watched people walk by, had some drinks, fooled around with the camera, and watched Cyndi Lauper perform. Pretty awesome evening if I do say so myself...




OH. MY. GOD. FACE. PAINTING! This was an obvious stop for me. As a kid, if I ever went to the local fair I had to, HAD TO get my face painted, didn't matter what it was, didn't matter what it looked like, I just had to do it. So you can only imagine my extreme excitement when there were face painters there. So, I had to get my face painted. DUH.

I think this year was my favorite party so far... good times, good friends and most importantly lots of great food! Cheers to another year!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

butternut squash risotto

 I never had such strong feelings toward butternut squash until Channy B started to make her world renowned butternut squash risotto, I swear, the woman whips this shiz up so quick like you would think that risotto is the easiest thing ever to make... 

So, naturally since she make such bomb stuff I had to try it myself and I always seem to struggle a bit with the consistency of the rice. Regardless of my struggles, I still enjoy the warm fuzzy feeling risotto gives you, lately I have been sauteing any type of leafy veggie I have on the verge of turning bad and just throwing it on top of the deliciousnes, you know add a bit of healthy to the mix... 

The recipe I use for the risotto is here. As always, I modify things, add a bit here, take a bit there, whatever suits your taste...

Channy B came over for this particular risotto creating and it was really good to cook with her again, just to have another warm body in the kitchen with me creating... sometimes it takes more than just ingredients to make it meal... sometimes it takes knowledge, love and a little patience. its exactly what I need.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

preserving tradition

For a year or two now I have been dreaming of canning my own pickles, jams, jellies and goodness. As a kid, I remember each of my Grammys making their own jellies... going out to the garden to pick pomegranates for jelly, picking cucumbers for pickles, and peaches for canning. I think that is one of the reasons I love pickles so much, as a kiddo, it was my number one snack and I remember on several occasions grabbing a pickle or two as my snack before heading outdoors to begin my wild obnoxious adventures.

When I first decided to take the plunge into canning I asked my Ma if we still had the recipe my Grammy would use for her pickles. I remember everyone on the block and the whole family being really excited to get some of her home canned pickles. And alas, my Ma found the recipe and home canned pickles are back in action and the tradition survives! The total time it took me to complete the actual process was only a few hours, I see myself in the future, or whenever I get more storage space or a basement devoting a week or so a year to canning everything possible and always being able to have homemade jams, jellies and pickles available to eat.

The recipe I used. It was ridiculously simple, requiring some patience, a few spices and a bit vinegar. I had to recreate the brine at least 3 times to make the amount of liquid I needed to cover and contain all the pickles I had made. 

I made a few investments in a big ass water bath canner (with a wire rack) and a few utensils like a funnel, lid grabber and can grabber (the can grabber was necessary). I figured I should just go ahead and make the purchase on these items since this was going to be an ongoing thing...

 Before I started the process I went the library (and visited a few blogs) to get a home canning book, just to compare recipes and found a great book on general preserving... I think my next creation will be orange marmalade, since I have about 15 oranges sitting at my house right now, thanks to Albert and Eve.

When I got the idea to make pickles I thought of no better way to share them than to give them as my Christmas presents this year, and let me tell you what a big hit they were... I made at least 20 cans and in the end, barely had enough to go around, I suppose that orange marmalade cant come soon enough... :)