Tuesday, August 10, 2010

strawberry guy, 1 - me, 0

A few weekends back I got suckered into buying a half crate of strawberries from some dude on a street corner in the lower haight area. I had to just run into a costume store to complete our P.O.W outfits for Beer Olympics (more on that later) and so on my way into the store and upon exiting the conversation went like this:

Dude on the Corner: Hey, fresh strawberries here! 
Me: No thanks. Have a good day though (but my mind says, hmm... that would be good in a pie, but i dont i feel like that kind of commitment tonight...)
DotC: ok, thanks.
DotC: (upon me coming out of the costume store) hey, fresh strawberries, $10 for the large crate.
Me: Shit. well how much for just half? 
DotC: $5, and i will add a few extra for you. 
Me: Damn. Ok. I will take them. Thanks!

So the damn strawberry guy prevailed and a pie was created. The crust was for sure one of the best ones so far... HOWEVER! i did not bake the fucker long enough to really get a true grasp on the amazball-ness of it. it was a little toooooo doughy on the bottom. also to note on strawberry only pies, its too damn liquidy, even with excess amounts of cornstarch. The next strawberry pie will have to have friends, such as blackberry, raspberry and/or blueberry.

1 comment:

  1. you are such a smarty pants! i am gonna have to do that, this is round 2 for strawberry only pies... and the separate baking sounds like the best bet on these dudes.
