Monday, March 8, 2010

this is gooooood news

I pretty much wrote off this orchid. After I moved, I gave this guy a kinda permanent house over at Sam's place. When I did this, it freaked out, dropped its flowers and said peace out. I naturally thought that I would have to start from scratch with the little fellow and try again when I could find a better place for it. So needless to say you can only imagine my extream excitement when I found all of a sudden that it had a little bloom on it. This is amazing!
However, there is a flip side. now i am just thinking that its the entire environment in the City. There is always a lot of moisture in the air and its never too hot or (arguably) too cold. I am just giong to have to see how this goes... however, do I trim this old stem off entirely so then the new one can grow? I think thats the plan...

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